Monthly Archives: June 2006

A WyzWmn Story

It’s Good To Be HomeWe left Duluth round 10 AM and the sun was shining. We were headed north to Canada, home to Thunder Bay. Ten machines, 10 riders with 7 passengers on our way home from one of Minnesota’s … Continue reading

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Famous Wisdom….

“I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigstreat us as equals.”– Sir Winston Churchill Wyzwmn© remains but a work in progress…nothing more, nothing less

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Biker’s Prayer

LORD thank you for the open airthe feel of wind blowing through my hair Just me alone upon my bikethe thrill of freedomis what I likeTo wind through country unexplored not knowing what I’ll see next LORD That’s what I … Continue reading

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Billy Lane Bike on Fire

on his way to the Biker Buildoffthat’s 2 years in a row…maybe his next bike should be a fire truck complete with sprinkler system?? Wyzwmn© remains but a work in progress…nothing more, nothing less

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Motorcycle Wisdom of the Day

Patience is the ability to keep your motor idling. Wyzwmn© remains but a work in progress…nothing more, nothing less

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Wouldn’t you rather…

be just riding down this road? Wyzwmn© remains but a work in progress…nothing more, nothing less

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Motorcycle Wisdom of the Day

No matter what marquee you ride, it’s all the same wind. Wyzwmn© remains but a work in progress…nothing more, nothing less

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And so we begin…

I have been askedfor quite some timeto sharesome of my thoughtssome of my workand some of my meanderingswith fellow ridersand readersofthe Busted Knuckle Welcome to “Wyzwmn’s Words to the Wise”…. and so we begin… Wyzwmn© remains but a work in … Continue reading

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